The magic within

'The kingdom of God lies within you' , this is a quote from the Bible . One of the many that help us make peace with ourselves. Life puts you at stops that confuse you to a stage of madness. This is when the magic within you reaches its peak , you need to hold on and speak to yourself. What you say to your self is the spell you cast on your self. The more your thoughts are  positive the faster the magic happens.
This is an experience and you feel it only when you make an effort.
Man's body is an instrument, use it to create music within you and not noise. Speak slowly to your self and sing happy songs inside your mind.
Experience this and share your comments.
God bless

1 comment:

  1. Right Ann, situation comes in life when one have to keep his mind cool and energise himself positively to fight circumstances and who can did that, finally see the day which will filled with joy and happiness,
